Tattooing is an art and a business

protect YOUR RIGHTS to both of them

You make Your Clients Art, but do you protect your Creativity and brand?

Your original sketches, designs, and paintings can be artistic expressions eligible for copyright protection. Have you ever discussed with your clients possible ownership and attribution rights, if the unique tattoo you did happens to be featured in a movie, magazine, or video game?

Your clients choose YOU because they trust you and your artistic abilities. You likely use a logo to mark on your art, your social media, and your swag to show the world YOU made it. Your brand, logo, or shop name could be eligible for trademark protection or registration.

Don’t let other people take credit for your creativity and hard work.

Meet Matt

Matt Juren is an intellectual property and USPTO registered patent attorney practicing in the Houston and Dallas-Fort Worth metroplexes since 2008. He works to protect his clients’ creativity, ingenuity, and brands through copyrights, patents, and trademarks.

Your original creative expressions could be eligible for copyright protection under United States federal law. Your brand and logos could also be protectable under trademark laws that can allow you to prevent others from unfairly using your brand. If you have created an invention, you may be eligible to seek patent protection.

You are an artist, but you are also a business. If you need assistance forming a company or questions about running your business, we might be able to help.

Contact me today to see if I can help protect your rights in your creativity, innovations, and business.